In English


Lars Ehnberg

Analytical Psychologist (IAAP; Dipl.: C.G.Jung-Institute, Zürich), Psychotherapist    (observe different dot ending than homepage)     +358-50-592 8318

Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with the methods of analytical psychology (C.G.Jung), consultations, supervision, lectures and seminars in themes belonging to the analytical psychology.

Languages spoken: English, Swedish, Finnish, German

Master of Theology (Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, 1980). Main fields: Psychology of Religion (History of Religion, Hum. Faculty) and Hospital Counseling (Practical Theology, Theol. Faculty). Studies continued for Licentiate.

Further studies: Universität Zürich 1983 (Prof. Walter Bernet), 1985-1986 Fak. Phil. I

Studies and vocational education at the C.G.Jung-Institute, Zürich, 1981-1987. Diploma 1987 and membership in the IAAP, International Association of Analytical Psychologists. Member of AGAP, Association of Graduate Analytical Psychologists. Code of ethics from AGAP.

Research and education supported by: Donnerska institutet (Turku) för religionshistorisk och kulturhistorisk forskning, 1981, 1982, 1986, Stiftelsens för Åbo Akademi (Turku) forskningsinstitut 1981

Major grants: The Lutheran World Federation (Geneva) 1982-1983, The Swiss Government (Eidgenössisches Stipendiekommission, Bern) 1985-1986

Independent professional practise since 1987 in Espoo and Helsinki. Office now in Espoo.

Approved to national health insurance reimbursements (KELA).

Registered psychotherapist, demanding speciallevel (The National Board of Medicolegal Affairs, Terveydenhuollon oikeusturvakeskus, nowadays Valvira, Finland).

Authorised psychotherapist (Social Department, Socialstyrelsen, Sweden).

Honorary member of Suomen Analyyttisen Psykologian Yhdistys r.y. (SAPY = AAPF Association for Analytical Psychology in Finland, reg.); Member of Suomen C.G.Jung-Seura – C.G.Jung-Sällskapet i Finland (The Jung-Society of Finland, unreg.).


In English

Ehnberg, Lars (1989): Grandchildren of God and Archetypes. In: Proceedings of the fourth symposium on the psychology of religion in Europe, 1989. Department of Cultural Psychology and Psychology of Religion, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

Ehnberg, Lars (1995): Grandchildren of God and Archetypes. In: Protestantism and Jungian Psychology. Ed. By Marvin J. Spiegelman, Arizona, New Falcon Publications.

In Swedish


Guds barnbarn och arketyper, diplomavhandling vid C.G.Jung-Institut, Zürich, 1987. 100p. (Grandchildren of God and Archetypes. Dissertation at the Jung-institute, Zürich).


“Vården av patientens själ” (Care of the soul of the patient), Hufvudstadsbladet , (Helsinki), 19.10.1979.

“Jungs liv” (Jung’s life; bookreview), Hufvudstadsbladet, (Helsinki) 25.1.1980.

“Vår kollektiva neuros” (Our collective neurosis; review), Hufvudstadsbladet, (Helsinki), 13.6.1980.

“Bildverk av schizofrena – en tolkning” (Pictureworks of schizophrenics – an interpretation; debate), Läkartidningen (Stockholm), vol.80, nr 10.

“Den skapande depressionen” (The creative depression), Veckan (Helsinki), 15/1988.

“Sagan speglar vårt inre” (The fairy tale mirrors our inner; bookreview), Hufvudstadsbladet, (Helsinki), 12.12.1988.

“Mera om Jung och nazismen” (More about Jung and nazism; debate), Hufvudstadsbladet, (Helsinki), 29.5.1995.

In Finnish


Unia, satuja ja myyttejä. Johdatus C.G.Jungin analyyttiseen psykologiaan. (Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths. Introduction to the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung) Helsinki: Noxboox, 2013, 2. print 2020. 141p.

Satujen aarre – jungilainen tulkinta Grimmin sadusta Kolme höyhentä. (The Treasure of Folk Tales – a Jungian interpretation of Grimm’s Fairy tale The Three Feathers). Helsinki: Noxboox, 2022. 135 p.


“Analyyttiseen psykologiaan erikoistuminen” (To specialize in Analytical Psychology), Psykologia (Helsinki), vol. 24, 2/1989 (107-109).

“Symbolien kiehtova maailma jungilaisittain” (The fascinating world of symbols, jungian view: bookreview), Psykologia, vol. 26, 5/91 (416-417).

“Mistä mielikuvat tulevat” (Where the fantasies come from; bookreview), Helsingin Sanomat (Helsinki) (s. A17), 16.2.1992.

“Oire lääkkeenä – varjon psykologiaa työelämässä” (The symptom as remedy- the psychology of the shadow in working life), Työterveyslääkäri (Helsinki), vol. 10, 3/92.

“C.G.Jung, juutalaisuus ja Freud” (C.G.Jung, jewishness and Freud; debate), Psykologia (Helsinki), vol. 31, 3/96 (206-209).

“Terveyden temppeli – fyysinen hoitoympäristö hoitokulttuurin välittäjänä” (The temple of health – the material care milieu as a transmitter of health care culture). In: Pieni on kaunista – projekti vuosina 1994-1996, toim. Anita Kokkola, Helinä Kotilainen, Suomen Kuntaliitto, Stakes, Helsinki 1997.

“Miehen ja isän arkkityypeistä” (On the archetypes concerning the man and the father). In: “Miehen tie. Ihminen ja Taide psykoanalyysin, terapian ja semiotiikan näkökulmasta. 60v. juhlakirja Heikki Majavalle” toim. Mirja Kaskinen, Etelä-Karjalan psykoterapiaseura ry, 1999, (s. 35-42).

Some recent presentations/lectures:

“Yksinäisyys muutosriiteissä ja muutosprosesseissa” (Solitude in Rites of Passage and in Processes of Change), Suomen C.G. Jung-Seura, WSOYn kokoustilat Bulevardi, Helsinki, 2011-06-11.

“Sisäisen prosessin löytäminen” (How to Find the Inner Process), Jung Club, Helsinki, 2015-04-01.

“Jungilainen psykoterapia – Unia, satuja ja myyttejä työprosessin innostavina ja merkityksellisinä taustoina ja instrumentteina” (Jungian Psychotherapy – Dreams, Fairy Tales and Myths as Inspiring and Meaningful Backgrounds and Tools for the Working Process ), Itä-Suomen Psykoterapiayhdistys (, Kuopio, 2015-10-23.

“Parantaja: synty, olemus, loppu” (The Healer: Birth, Being, End), Jung Club, Helsinki, 2016-02-17.

“Uskontopsykologia analyyttisessa psykologiassa” (The Psychology of Religion in Analytical Psychology). Jung Club, Helsinki, 2017-11-29.

“Parantaja” (The Healer; extended lecture version). Oulun Seudun Psykologit ry. Pakkala-sali, Oulun kaupunginkirjasto, Oulu, 2018-08-07.

Lectures on basic themes at the basic course 2020-2021 for interested to continue to the Copenhagen institute’s following vocational education.: The Association experiment; Symbol, Complex, Archetype; The Individuation; Folklore science and Anthropology; Religion and the Spiritual in Jung’s Psychology. The lectures are available as videos.

Further sources and information:    the homepage of SAPY   SAPY’s fb pages, with faster changing information (page available without registering with fb)   homepage of the international professional organisation

The Association for Analytical Psychology in Finland (AAPF): Suomen Analyyttisen Psykologian Yhdistys r.y., shortly SAPY, is an association for five jungian graduated professionals working permanently in Finland.

The Finnish Jung-Society: Suomen C.G.Jung-Seura – C.G. Jung-Sällskapet i Finland, is an unregistered society of around 70 professionals, who in their work are interested in the perspectives from the analytical psychology. The society mostly functions as an information channel for events on or near analytical psychology. Contactperson is at the moment Harri Virtanen,